Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What I'm Loving...

What I'm Loving... I'm absolutely loving this cooler weather.

The rainfall

That Mike was off work for 4 days and got to spend some much needed time with his girls!

Adylyn's bedroom is just 2 shakes from being finished!

I get to eat wedding cake this weekend and see many friends that I haven't seen in a while!!

I am finally starting to feel better

I found a GREAT deal on a crib and changing table!

My adorbale nephews!

I get to see Heather and Hadlea in a few weeks! I miss them so much!

Adylyn is sleeping in her OWN bed ALL night long with NO accidents! If we would have known that all it took was to get her a new bed and bedding then we would have done it a LONG time ago!!!

That football season has officially started and baseball playoffs will be starting soon!

Big Brother!

Adylyn has started talking to Peanut!

Ady and I read at least 5 or 6 books a day

The show Swamp People on History Channel!

Sweet Tarts (not the small ones, but the big round ones that have 4 in a package).



And my sweet family!

1 comment:

  1. hadlea and i miss you all too! we cannot wait to spend some time with you! hopefully we will figure out plans soon! love you!
