Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Lost Photos!

The post is for all the pictures that I just got off my point and shoot camera that I keep in the diaper bag! I always forget to get it out and take the pictures off and put them on the computer. Well I finally remembered today! I didn't realize that I had pictures on there from April!!

This first picture is from Brinley's 1st birthday party. Brinley's mom Becky has a blog over Here. We tried to get all the kids together for a pic!

Gma Jane helping Ady blow bubbles at B's party.
One Sunday after church we all decided to go to the public pool here in Medford.

The water was FREEZING! It had rained the day before and poor Ady and Reese would shake and shiver the whole time they were in the water. But we couldn't get them out!
This girl LOVES the water!

Logan loves to be outside so he was very content!

Hanging out with Aunt Jessi!

Remember when I wrote about our camping trip this year and I told you that we caught a Gar?
Look at those teeth!

For those that have never seen one this is what they look like. They are nasty creatures I think. When they get on your line they usually get all twisted up and end up ruining your line.

Thank goodness this one just got the hook and we didn't have to redo our line. But they are still hard to get off.
You basically just beat them! Sounds horrible! I'm pretty sure that's what Dad is doing here!

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