Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our Friday in Fort Cobb!

Friday morning we all got up pretty early! Not really sure how or why because we all went to bed pretty late! I guess we were so excited to spend more time together! Grandma Sheri and Pa were already cooking breakfast when Mike, Ady, and I got up. We had bacon, eggs, and biscuits and gravy! YUM!

Ady and Pa had to get in some golf lessons before we got our day started! Pa has been playing golf since he was Ady's age and played in college so he is pretty excited that Ady is showing interest in wanting to learn to play.
She's a pretty good putter.

After breaskfast and we got our showers taken Ady and Grandma Sheri made some brownies. Haley and Danielle were having some friends over for New Years Eve and we had to get ready for them! Ady loves to bake and cook so anytime Grandma Sheri is in the kitchen Ady is usually right there beside her.

See this look! Miss Sassy Pants!

Ady and Grandma Sheri

A girl has to lick the bowl...and the spoon!

After a ton of playtime with Haley and Danielle we needed to take naps if we were going to stay up until midnight! I know I did! Ady laid down in a chair out in the game room and fell asleep. How sweet is this! Her and I slept for a good couple of hours. I would have never made it to midnight if I didn't have that nap! Plus getting up early didn't help either.

Alesha got here while we were napping! We had pizza for dinner and played games while waiting on the new year! We also played Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune on the Wii. They had gotten some new games this year for Christmas so we played those. They got Know it or Blow it and Would You Rather....? They were both alot of fun! While playing Would you Rather..? Alesha landed on a challenge and she had to lap water up from a bowl like a kitten for 30 seconds! She was such a trooper! I haven't laughed that hard in so long! It was hilarious! We had a blast staying in and playing games and eating!

Nate had to take a few pictures too!!
Ady lasted until 11! I was suprised! The last few years we have stayed home and played games with family. We'd much rather do that then go out and brave crowds and risk something happening. I definitely missed ringing in the new year with my family. I think I have been with my sister the last few years and I missed it this year. But being with other family was just as fun!
I have been in quite a bit of pain the last few days so I haven't been able to do anything at all. My pelvis is what's hurting me. It's painful to bare weight. Thank goodness we are here where I don't hardly see Ady and she doesn't ask much of me! I can't wait to get all this extra weight off me!
We had a wonderful time ringing in the new year and spending time with family we don't get to see often enough. I've been thinking alot about what 2010 brought us and what 2011 has for us. I definitely hope it's better on my heart!

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